2014. október 7., kedd

What's the point of playin' when you're gonna lose?

If you knew it for sure that you'd lose, would you still sit down and play the game? Or would you rather laugh and walk away while a "fuck this shit" is escaping from your mouth? Is the occasional fun worth the price of losing?

When you are 5 your parents say it doesn't matter who wins, it's all about enjoying the game. And you grow up knowing that even if you don't win at the end, the time spent together is the only thing that matters. Is it? When you are playing with someone who is definitely going to win the game, isn't it smarter to stand up and leave when you see the signs of losing? Don't you feel really really stupid wasting your own time by sitting there gambling with the luckiest man alive? There should be a horn to warn you to RUN NOW. They say running away isn't the solution for your problems, but neither is waiting for your own disaster. If you are not able to close your eyes to avoid seeing the signs that the universe is throwing at you, why would you suffer? Because one thing is for sure: you can't enjoy a losing game. You can try and you can force yourself to stay, but at the end the only thing you regret is the time wasted on something that would never bring you the prize.

And when you've been doing this for a while, one day you just realize that you quit playing games, becuase there is no way of winning.

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