2014. december 9., kedd


Girls gathering together to whine about their relationships... How common is that? You find at least one group of them in every bar, café, etc. They complain and tell each other that they should be strong and leave their boyfriends. Are they right? Or are they only victims of the century?

I had an interesting conversation with my boyfriend today that I would like to share. After he hugged and kissed me in an extra-romantic way, I got surprised and the following happened:

Me: - What happened to you?
Bf:  - What do you mean?
Me: - You never really kiss me like that anymore.
Bf:  - Why do you say that?
Me: - I don't know. We just don't do that lately.
Bf:  - Yes, we do.

Are we living in different relationships? If a girl thinks that she's been underappreciated and the relationship is dying, how is it possible that the boyfriend doesn't notice anything about it? Is it in her head only? Or are we chasing fake standards from movies, songs and books? What if the boyfriend is right and we, girls, just take everything too seriously and make a big deal about not french-kissing for a day... Can it be the solution for 2014's relationship problems?

This situation really made me think for hours. If we just try to let go of control for a while, probably we'll see something else, something new in it. Let me explain. We usually tell our partners if we don't like something. That's all right, there is nothing wrong with it. But if they hear five times a day that they messed up something (especially if it's only choosing the wrong flavour of a smoothie), how do we expect them to be open and happy with us? They have feelings too. Yes, nowadays, we are the most important people in our lives. That is just how it is in the past few years. Is it selfish? Yes, it is. But when you start a relationship with someone, your partner has to come first eventually. Not all the time, but sometimes. He can have a bad day too, he can be stressed too, it's not only you who feels exhausted because of a terrible headache. He won't always talk in a nice way with you and he won't be all cuddly and lovey-dovey with you, but at the end of the day, he will rest his little head on the pillow next to you. And from all of this, what he notices is that you are besides him no matter what. Of course for him the relationship is perfect. Or close to it. While you worry yourself sick till you're blue in the face.

What I'm trying to say is only that we must think about the whole picture before we start crying and plan our escape. If you're boyfriend is in a happy relationship, you are awesome. If you don't feel the same, try to worry less and appreciate the small things, because that's the only way you'll be in the same relationship. Otherwise you're gonna keep living in different dimensions. And that sucks.

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