2014. szeptember 14., vasárnap


If every single day's the kinda day when you feel like you just can't deal with your problems, when do you deal with them? Is there a universal deadline to take responsibility for your mistakes? How do you say you're sorry when you don't exactly know what you're sorry for?  And at last: why do we like to shut each other out so much?

Lately I've been thinking too much as it seems. I'm trying to figure out when we decided to choose ignorance instead of forgiveness. People just can't see the whole picture these days, we are so selfish that if someone hurts us, we punish them with forgetting about their existence. All the good memories? Time spent together? Crying on each other's shoulders? Gone with the wind. It doesn't matter if the person has been with you everytime you needed, if your feelings got hurt, the best thing is to completely forget about them in a minute. We are so busy loving ourselves that even if we wanted to, we can't take the time to think about the other side. We're just running around, doing our daily stuff and let time do its thing: heal our wounds. And if they don't hurt anymore? We're still too damn busy to even let it pop in our precious minds that maybe, just maybe we needed to talk about it. And now that I'm sitting here writing this post, I've got the time to realize that instead of discussing the problem with him, I am sitting here writing this post.

We've never been more selfish.

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